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January 15, 2012

Partying like Rockstars, minus the cocaine

disclaimer: This blog post has not been edited so it may suck

First wine I've ever drank that I actually enjoyed.


     The problem with storytelling is you have to make things that were funny & relevent in the moment be as funny & relevent some time later.  I'm thinking it's not always possible...  I'd like to ask some of the Authors out there (the Tom Clanceys of the world) if it's possible.  And if so.. whats the secret.  I think if I could figure that out & get over my ADD the book I've always wanted to write & have started a dozen +/- times could actually get out of "My Documents".

     Last night I hung out with my friend T & her friends (who I now consider my friends) PDizzle & D.  I drank a tumbler of Moscato neat, 2 tumblers of Tequila Rose on the rocks while drinking a large sweet tea.  Then, the shots started & I switched to sipping on water.   Those damn Oatmeal Cookie Shots!!!  Wasn't long and we were playing dice. 

{Wait... thats probably not the 'correct term' considering I had never played before but won BOTH GAMES!  bawhahahaha!!!  ;)  I had beginners luck all the way last night.  For realz.}

     There was this awesome dip T made & a bread recipe I found on Pinterest called a Bloomin' Onion.  I also looked up some additional recipes on the website so we can try new things next time we get together. 

And so closes another laughter filled night at The Silver Dollar. 

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